Seattle University


Founded in 1891, Seattle University is the largest independent university in the Pacific Northwest of the United States with 7,200 students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs within eight schools and colleges. Its graduate programs in business are among the best such programs nationwide, according to U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Graduate Schools 2020” ranking. Two Albers School of Business and Economics programs are included in the rankings: The accounting program is ranked #24 in the nation. The finance program is ranked #28 in the nation.

In 2008, SISU and Seattle University (SU) agreed on collaboration of a baccalaureate to master degree program (3+2). Students admitted into the 3+2 program will take undergraduate courses at SISU in the first 3 years. Upon satisfactory completion of requirements for their admission to SU, they take graduate courses at SU in the final 2 years. Upon satisfactorily completing all requirements for graduation, they receive a bachelor’s degree from SISU and a master’s degree from SU. This program serves the purpose of accelerating the academic progress of gifted students and has benefited nearly 100 students. 

Seattle University: